Find Funding

We provide a compilation of open Requests for Proposals (RFPs) from foundations and corporations on our Funding Database pages. While this list includes many, diverse grant categories and is frequently updated, please note it is neither exhaustive nor representative of all possible funding opportunities.

Peruse Our Custom Database

Not finding a grant opportunity in your field? We recommend you utilize one of the following additional resources to get a better understanding of the institutional funding landscape for your work:

Foundation Directory Online

Search thousands of grant opportunities by category by using GW’s subscription to Foundation Center’s online database. For log-in access, please follow the instructions below or contact our office at or 202-994-1907 for additional assistance.

  1. Make sure you are accessing GW's internet network either by utilizing GW's Wifi/Ethernet when on-campus or through GW's VPN connection when off-campus.
  2. Visit the GW Libraries A-Z database.
  3. Scroll down the list of resources to "Foundation Directory Online" and click on that link for access*.

*Please note, you must maintain connection to GW's internet servers in order to have full access to Foundation Directory Online resources.


Pivot logo

Community of Science’s Pivot site is a searchable database of research funding opportunities from federal and non-federal sources, including foundations and commercial sponsors.The university's subscription to this service allows GW users to create customized searches and have matching opportunities emailed as they are posted.

View detailed instructions (PDF) on how to set up an account or conduct searches. If you have further questions about utilizing this database, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at or 202-994-6255 for Pivot access and training.

Utilize Pivot

RFP Bulletin

Also administered by Foundation Center, RFP Bulletin at Philanthropy News Digest displays current RFPs and allows users to sign up for email and news alerts.

Search RFP Bulletin

If you have additional questions, please contact the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations at or reach out directly to a CFR liaison for your school.