University Operating Status Update for Jan. 6

Due to winter weather, all university campuses and centers are closed, with adjustments to classes and work schedules, on Monday, Jan. 6. This includes the Foggy Bottom, Mount Vernon, and Virginia Science and Technology campuses; the Biostatistics Center; and the Alexandria and Arlington Education centers. See Campus Advisories for important details regarding classes, work schedules, and services.

Boston Scientific—Investigator-Sponsored Research

September 29, 2022

Boston Scientific provides support for research that advances medical and scientific knowledge about our products and that generates medical interventions. This global program is open to all qualified researchers who are interested in conducting their own research. Boston Scientific supports research in the following topic areas:

Cardiovascular: New/ Emergency Technologies; New/ Extended application of DES; Role of DES in extended patient groups; Health Economics and/or Quality of Life; Comparative-Effectiveness; Geographic variation in device use; and valvular disease.

Rhythm and Electrophysiology: Cardiac mapping; Cardiac ablation; Subcutaneous ICD; Heart failure; and Left atrial appendage closure.

Endoscopy/ Pulmonary: Gastro; Biliary; Snares; Polypectomy; Severe asthma and brochial thermoplasty; Bronchial thermoplasty in practice; and Bronchial thermoplasty mechanism of action.

Urology and Pelvic Health: Upper Tract Stone Disease; BPH; Female Stress Urinary Incontinence; Pelvic Floor Reconstruction; Abnormal Uterine Bleeding; Removal of Uterine Tissue; Male Stress Urinary Incontinence; and Male Erectile Dysfunction.

Neuromodulation: Spinal Cord Stimulation and Deep Brain Stimulation.

Investigators are invited to submit concept papers and full proposals year-round. For more information on concept paper and proposal format, visit the full RFP. The expected impact of each study is weighed in relation to the timeframe and cost of the project. Based on this evaluation, the proposals are prioritized and the top projects will receive support.

Deadline: Rolling

Dollar Amount: Varies

Contact: Joe Matope, Director, Corporate Relations at

Full RFP:

Reviewers: Each Boston Scientific division provides a multi-functional committee consisting of experts in science, clinical applications, regulatory, corporate strategy, finance, law, and other areas as applicable. The Research Committees: Receive and review study proposals generated by investigators; Approve partnerships that would be mutually beneficial for patients, researchers and Boston Scientific; and Work with the sponsor of approved research to develop a research agreement and capture relevant results.