Amgen—Independent Medical Education

September 29, 2022

As part of Amgen's mission to further the advancement of medicine and healthcare, Amgen supports Independent Medical Education ("IME"). IME is professional education given by accredited medical education providers who design and implement programs totally independent of any Amgen influence, as defined by standards such as the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education ("ACCME") guidelines, the FDA's Guidance: Industry Supported Scientific and Educational Activities, and the PhRMA Code.

Amgen supports IME that address:

  • Education of health care providers including trainees, allied health professionals and payers
  • Advancing the understanding of the disease state
  • Improving health care providers' understanding of the diagnosis, treatment, outcomes, and co-morbidities
  • Quality, reimbursement, access to care
  • Innovative and biosimilar drug development

Deadline: Undisclosed; registration required

Dollar Amount: Upon request

Eligibility: Varies

Full RFPs: